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Venus Cow Admin 3077


We only know what we know until we know something else

Enlightenment, when the light goes on, the epiphany.

Venus Cow says, "We only know what we know until we know something else."

You cannot succeed at anything, you’re useless, never win anything, always last.

If this sounds like you, ask yourself why? Chances are it is all you know because no one has told you any different.

Venus Cow says “You are what you learn.”

It is not where we start but where we finish that counts. If at the end of our life time we are miserable then we have failed to win the game of life. We are all products of our own environment. We copy, model and pick up bad habits from others, glibly choosing without thought to dismiss all responsibility for our own happiness.

Relying on someone else to make us happy is fatal and never lasts, leaving us restless and resentful, projecting blame and disappointment on others. Enlightenment is knowledge. Englightenment is willpower. Enlightenment is peace. Enlightenment is bliss. Enlightment is a state of mind.

We all have within us the wisdom, knowledge and love we need to find the true path to our higher self, the person we long to be in order to have a fulfilling enriched long life on this earth. We have to unlock the door and unleash the power within in order to find complete and true happiness.

Meaning and purpose are the two things we have to discover when we look for enlightenment. Logically we have to contribute to life in a positive way to  genuinely feel fulfilled and happy. No amount of shopping, sex, chocolate, alcohol or food can lead us to the path of eternal life, that is beyond our control but what we can do is begin to recognize we are in control in the here and now. It is only in the present we have the power to manifest our future. The common sense thinking what we do today creates tomorrow.

We come in to this life alone with nothing and we leave this life alone with nothing, what we do in the middle decides its value. Meditation and contemplation are the keys to being centered, enlightened and wise, so go to your journal and begin making notes about moments of revelation during your meditation.

Whatever you discover that is new to you begin to implement into your daily routine and watch how much better you will begin to feel about your life.

Venus Cow says, "Like anything we do to win a game, we have to practice with patience because anything worth having is worth waiting for."


Photo by Unsplash/Pexels


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