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Blogger & Copy Writer Vintage Guinea Reviews The PBL
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Blogger & Copy Writer Vintage Guinea Reviews The PBL

Very few people are ever brave enough to forego the security of a well paid job to go for their dream so when I met blogger Robina Wilson at the Clothes Show, an ex teacher pursuing her ambition to write professionally I was inspired by her story and have enjoyed following her musings on-line. 

Imagine my surprise when this eloquent review for my leggings dropped in my in box with a lovely pitch marketing her copy/content writing services. When you pursue your dreams "No guts, no glory" so Venus Cow is proudly publishing-

Do the perfect pair of black leggings exist?  I think so…

by Robina Wilson

"There’s something almost Holy Grail-esque about finding perfect wardrobe basics. Considering these garments are defined as ‘basic’, it is easy to assume that purchasing them will be well, basic.  As every committed fashionista out there knows however, this is sadly not the case…

I spend about 95% of my time in leggings – I layer them under vintage dresses and 80s jumpers, dress them down with Uggs and a hoody, or schlep off to my yoga and Pilates classes in them.  Not to mention I wear black – a lot of black – and I expect my leggings to match.  There is nothing worse than thinking you’ve found an awesome pair of leggings only to discover that after one wash they are greying, coming adrift at the seams, baggy round the knees and scarily transparent on the butt.  Ladies, I’m sure you’ll agree that seeing the cheek/thong combo through a fellow yogi’s straining jersey during downward dog hardly constitutes a high point in your day.

Never fear, there is light at the end of the tunnel in the form of Venus Cow’s PBLs (Perfect Black Leggings).   I discovered these aptly named garments at last year’s Clothes Show Live.  Being the kind of girl who always does her research, I pored over the show catalogue, mentally highlighting the stalls I wanted to visit and cross-referencing this list with the elements of my wardrobe that were looking a little tired.  I suppose it was the brand name that first drew my attention to Venus Cow, closely followed by the assertion on the website that after buying their leggings, I would be ‘ready to throw every other pair’ I owned into the nearest bin.

Eager to take them up on their challenge, Venus Cow was one of the first stalls I visited.  The assistant I met was a great brand ambassador: very helpful, highly knowledgeable about the product and looking amazing in her PBLs and lace dress.  After discussing sizing and a demonstration of the fabric’s stretch, I happily whipped out my debit card. These may be the most expensive leggings I’ve ever bought but they are easily the best quality and, to be honest, the £25 price tag reflects this.  Knitted and manufactured in the UK and covering sizes 4 – 22, the two-way stretch fabric gives without becoming either shiny or transparent, even after numerous washes.

The PBLs are now a staple part of my wardrobe and believe me, I’ve tested them pretty rigorously! They have been worn to work, on nights out and to both yoga and Pilates.  So, the million-dollar question: would I buy another pair of PBLs?  Absolutely! Although seeing as they’re wearing so well, I actually don’t need to just yet.  Now, the gorgeous lace dress…well, that’s another story…"

You can follow Robina's blog or catch her on Twitter & Instagram

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