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Relationship Dilemma Coaching
Venus Cow Admin 3946

Relationship Dilemma Coaching

Being a free life coach is so great because I get to meet and help people who genuinely feel they don’t have the power to change what makes them miserable, insecure and destined to failure.  I met someone a few months ago at one of my free life coaching seminars who told me in detail how she had finally found the one, her Prince and was moving in with him after knowing him only 6 months.
She began, the next time I saw her, to tell me she had some doubts, as the move in date got closer because she had seen a message on his facebook page from his ex, flirting and asking to meet up, disregarding completely the, in a relationship, status and any feelings for her.

I asked her why she was feeling jealous and insecure, when in reality he was moving in with her, not his ex and if someone has a social media page for all to chat and catch up, she (the ex) is just doing what everyone else is doing. I pointed out the big difference between virtual life, the internet and human connection, in order to get her to think about what was real and what was made up in her head.   

I advised her to talk to him about her concerns and bring up over a relaxing dinner the ex-making contact via Facebook and how nice it must have been to hear from her again. We must always remember men tend not to know what we are thinking, unless we tell them, so making light of what is making you rage and delivering your concerns, unnerved and confidently, will get you the desired result.

Always remember what you love about someone at the beginning, has the potential to change after spending all your time with one person, so believe in yourself and your attractiveness will radiate for miles, making you popular and in demand.

Photo by: Austin Distel Unsplash

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