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Fat Frumpy Forgotten?
Venus Cow Admin 3089

Fat Frumpy Forgotten?

Do you feel fat, frumpy and forgotten?

The truth hurts but better to face it and get on top of it instead of hiding away, trying to convince yourself it doesn''t matter you've let yourself go.

And no point trying to shop your way out of this mindset. Until you become radient, ravishing and remembered nothing you do, wear, buy, envy or desire will work. We have to think about doing some self therapy life coaching work on our minds in order to relieve us of this terrible truth about our bodies and ourselves.

The body's natural relaxation response is a powerful antidote to stress. Deep breathing, yoga and some meditation can help activate this response.

Relaxing brings your system back into balance, reducing stress, hormones, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure leaving you feeling fresh and rested. The key to deep breathing is to fill your lungs with as much fresh air as possible and hold it in for as long as you can. Exhale and then repeat. Breathing exercises are not only good for calming but they also increase your capacity to get oxygen into your cells, a vital component to looking and feeling better.

So ladies the next time you feel fat, frumpy and forgotten you know you have to find somewhere peaceful, clear your mind, take a deep breath and start to feel alive and energised again.

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