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You Have To be Odd To Be Number One
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You Have To be Odd To Be Number One
Venus Cow Admin 8918

You Have To be Odd To Be Number One

To be number one you have to be odd. There are two ways to look at that sentence. Some people read it and don’t actually understand it. Other people read it and recognise it’s actually a mathematical fact as the number one is never even.

Often when we think it is in a one dimensional way as we are programmed by what we see around us and what we believe to be true but when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

At the weekend sometimes I like to not think but switch off and immerse myself in a bit of escapism so I borrowed 2 DVDs both I had not really heard much about or had a desire to desperately see. The first one I watched, Helen Mirren; The Hundred Foot Journey took me on my own journey of remembering why I was exhausted and why escapism is never possible when you are inspired. The movie is wonderful and reminded me of my own genius within.

The second movie I watched made me grateful I had been prepared by the first movie to experience a journey that actually changed my whole mood and purpose. The film is a piece of barking mad brilliance from Mr. Mike Leigh and covers an intimate portrayal of one of my favourite painters Mr. Turner.

When I went to bed that night I sat in my room and did some yoga before my meditation and then slept like a log. I was so happy when I woke up in the morning and opened up my email to find the most amazing photograph of two of my customers wearing their PBL, perfect black leggings as active wear yoga pants.

Looking at it, it was like a piece of art, my black leggings on perfect legs with smiling faces.

Taking some time out to reflect and be grateful for what you have is the best way to stay focused on your purpose as we all need one to be happy. If you find yourself needing inspiration do yourself a favour and rent both these movies, then maybe take visit to the Tate museum and show some gratitude for the beautiful art left by J.M.W. Turner for everyone to enjoy free of charge.

You cannot buy happiness. Money is useful for what you want but it is not always helpful for what you need, that comes from thinking outside the box.

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