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Is Money The Be All and End All Of Happiness?
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Is Money The Be All and End All Of Happiness?
Venus Cow Admin 4103

Is Money The Be All and End All Of Happiness?

My top tips to happiness without money

If you cannot be happy poor, you will never be happy rich. It is only when you are forced to live without money that you get to recognize how much stress and worry a life without money can bring and with stress and worry comes lines and wrinkles. Although you cannot buy a life at Harrods, only stuff to put into a life, so getting a life is critical. I stand by the following top tips to help get you started on your new path to being happy with or without money. If you had a call today saying you had won the lottery, how would you feel? Now imagine you get a second call saying it was all a mistake and you had not won the lottery, how would you feel? If the feelings are not the same then you are now ready to begin your journey to understanding what is truly important in your life.

Finding yourself suddenly in dire straits, takes some time to adjust, usually time you don't have and why for many things spiral out of control and before you know it you're homeless. It's scary having no money particularly if you are used to having loads. Do not bury your head in the sand. When you find yourself in a hole immediately stop digging. Here's what I did and still do to this day.

1. Face the reality of your situation head on

2. Go for a long walk and get some fresh air

3. Give something like your time for free to others

4. Remain optimistic

5. Have a get together with friends and family

6. Laughter gives a natural high, so start laughing

7. Don't invest time or money you do not have in anything

8. Unplug all electrical appliances every day when not using them

9. Borrow a bike

10. Meditate

Photo by: Alexander Schimmeck Unsplash

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