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I Think Therefore I Am
Venus Cow Admin 6673

I Think Therefore I Am

The art of having great style starts in the mind

Do you look at other people, celebrities, people in the public eye, your friends and family and wish you looked like them, dressed like them, had their body, money or good looks?

The hardest part in free life coaching is getting people to see the truth for themselves. The mind and ego are extremely powerful and you can tell someone something until you are blue in the face but that doesn't mean they are going to get it. I learned from some one I coached when they had their light bulb moment, "you only know what you know". Think of yourself pulling a great old broken wagon with broken wheels full of crap, your beliefs, your experiences, your past trauma and yet there's a new turbo charged wagon sitting next to you empty and light, shiny and impressive. In therapy it's my job to unhook you from the old wagon you love so much, Letting Go of The Past and hook you up to the new shiny wagon, but all against your will, some people depending on their life experiences build trust and respond quickly, sometimes it takes me years. I am not a doctor or a qualified psychologist but have learned more from my actual patients' experiences with me than any knowledge I have gained from a text book.

Life is not a destination but a journey of self-discovery, so when it comes to getting what you want, you have to always be positive, passionate and prepared for how others see you.

Beauty is skin deep and comes from living a healthy, happy, well balanced life. How you present yourself comes from having the confidence to create your own style, unique and individual just like you and this comes from seeing yourself as you really are not how you think others perceive you. Remember how you perceive others, the celebs and people in the public eye is only your reality not theirs.

Every day we all have the opportunity to make more of an effort with our clothes. People respond differently when you are looking your best, full make up on, smiling your head off, others will be curious who you are and where you are going even if it's only to Ralphs or Tesco.

Dressing for the drama of your life is a mantra every woman on the planet, regardless of shape, size or age, should chant. It is important to want to look your best. This desire will create the impotus you need to do the work when you've got nothing exciting on your agenda. True style comes with confidence and with confidence comes success in everything you do. Making an effort might swing the outcome of your entire day. You never know who you might bump into particularly in Hollywood or what is waiting around the bend for you, only to be enjoyed and appreciated in your best clobber.

Getting your styling right every time in Hollywood where the competition to look phenomenal is fierce is always about having a few amazing accessories. When you look a million dollars, and one well chosen hand bag picked up second hand if you're on a budget can do the trick, (I went to many a TV meeting on La Brea, E! Entertainment and Style Network offices carrying Chanel without the 10 bucks I needed to valet park) you are already ahead of the game when it comes to achieving your desired result whether it be getting the job of your dreams or the man you fancy.

Always buy quality, never quantity. Great pieces like Chanel, Valentino and D&G, practically stand the test of time and can be worn and washed over several seasons and will give you timeless style. If you’re on a tight budget when it comes to clothes shopping, vintage designer pieces can often be sourced from the charity shop, adding the necessary drama to your life without breaking the piggy bank.

Stop being put off by what you read, what you see or what you believe you cannot achieve and start recognizing, you are in complete control of your own destiny. The secret to looking and feeling younger is confidence and desire. Eat less food. Exercise more. Make an effort with your beauty routine. Give up drinking. Give up chocolate. Give up caffeine. Give up smoking and most importantly give up moaning and groaning. Do the work and you will see the results, as well as save yourself a fortune, win win all around. Self-discipline and will power is all you need and the results will be life changing.

Photo by: Cinn Unsplash

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