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Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD
Venus Cow Admin 7863

Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD

4 weeks to wearing a body con dress with confidence

OK I have to write a blog like this every November, the month our thoughts go to the growing tyre around the middle and dusting off the LBD hidden at the back of the closet, remembering you never actually got into it last year. It is going to take four weeks of hell, discipline and facing denial, in order to get out that now comfortable Christmas dress and look and feel amazing through out the party season in December. Hopefully this time, the penny will finally drop, yo-yo dieting and torture is not the only way to live.

This year we've all been given a shake up in our routine with lock down which should help you to make other changes while you are at it. You're going to the supermarket at different times, why not try buying different things while your there. It's easier to do things differently when everything else is different, like playing tennis or water skiing every day when you're on holiday.

My Venus Cow staples are all designed for a purpose and the VCLBD, my version of the little black dress is no exception. I designed my body-con dress to provide enough stretch without feeling like you’re sucked inside a sausage skin, to help make you feel slimmer, tighter and more shapely, even if you don't manage to stick to the healthy lifestyle plan you know one day will kick in and give you the inner Goddess you know you really are deep down. This is one dress you can dress up with jewellery and easily roll up, chuck in a suitcase and wear to breakfast on vacation with a pair of flip flops.

A plain black dress, made in UK from the finest cotton jersey, loads of support, loads of comfort and loads of glamour are my three must haves if you're getting me in a dress, athleisure styling all the way. I have a feeling this year for those still planning on dressing up, the uncomfortable trussed up like the turkey cocktail dresses will be a thing of the past but looking good in a body con dress alternative is tricky if you've neglected your self care routine.

Fasting is the only way to reach your target weight quickly and controlled indulgence is the only way to retain it long term, so for one month, November, try giving up alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, sugar, white carbs and meat and replace with unlimited water fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and brown rice, once a day. Here's my squeeze into your LBD plan. This routine and discipline will give you a big weight loss result at the same time help break old habits and create new healthy ones. And by the time it gets around to New Year Resolutions, you'll already be well on your way and ahead of the game of life.

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