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The Big Society
Venus Cow Admin 3574

The Big Society

It would be hard to imagine the idea of a Big Society in a country that is broke, broken and backward but if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

For a Big Society to emerge from years of over spending, status anxiety, credit cards, over eating, media driven aspiration, brain washing and poverty, we have to pin point what the Big Society actually is.

Common sense tells us if we never give up, sooner or later we will achieve our goals, whatever they may be and we all have skills that can be swapped or shared in order to produce a valuable vehicle, that will also make money.

Now imagine being able to start a business with no money, that helps others for free.

Think about it. Two middle age women, ex, self made, capitalist millionaires who made bad choices because of bad lifestyles, ending up homeless penniless in Los Angeles and then on the dole in Leicester, 2005. Being poor and brilliant turned out to be the biggest blessing for them because it made them have to give up everything that cost money and discover ways to do great things without money. They became social entrepreneurs and used all their brilliance to build a free on line life coaching service, designed to give the masses a way to have some self therapy and common sense in order to change dysfunctional lifestyles without money. 

A business built by swapping services and skills of people in the local community for free, to give the nation free resources to get better, fitter, happier and back on their feet. We think that is what a Big Society is all about.

Updated 1st May, 2020 - Fast forward 10 years, what started as an online the life coaching resource has become a book The Mind Detective, by Shirley Yanez published Aug, 2019 and sales of The PBL, perfect black leggings have seen hundreds of people receive free talk therapy from Shirley.

Photo by: Marius Ott

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