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The Human Condition
Venus Cow Admin 6013

The Human Condition

Escaping your inherited tradition, sets you free from the human condition.
A paralyzing state of constantly repeating, the same rituals of copying and competing.
Tradition is handed down through generations, resulting in cycles of chaotic complications.
Passed on like an infectious strain, of something that leaves you completely insane.
Just because others choose to religiously follow, where mistakes and truth are hard to swallow, there is no good reason for you to do the same, going against the grain is the way to stay sane.

Life is your journey and freewill your guide, travel together side by side.
Let nothing tempt you into a momentary fix, be free to explore a new bag of tricks.
When you close down your mind and listen to your heart, the message is clear so you will know where to start and once you get practiced at life's simple game, everything you thought you needed will not be the same.
There is no destination on this journey you are on, you just keep travelling to what is right not wrong and as you never get there, there is no need to hurry, just recognize early death is down to stress and worry.

Poem by: Shirley Yanez

Photo by: Nick Fewings

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